An intruder broke in and tied my hands behind my back. He said he needed a quiet place to hide out but I told him I had friends coming over for a party! He kept me hand gagged as my first friend knocked on the door. I tried to scream for them to help me but they couldn't hear me. He held me down and kept me hand gagged until they left. I kept yelling for him to untie me so he stuffed my mouth with panties and tied a white cloth between my lips to keep the stuffing in place. He then layered strips of duct tape over my already gagged mouth. It was because I was making way too much noise. After a...
An intruder broke in and tied my hands behind my back. He said he needed a quiet place to hide out but I told him I had friends coming over for a party! He kept me hand gagged as my first friend knocked on the door. I tried to scream for them to help me but they couldn't hear me. He held me down and kept me hand gagged until they left. I kept yelling for him to untie me so he stuffed my mouth with panties and tied a white cloth between my lips to keep the stuffing in place. He then layered strips of duct tape over my already gagged mouth. It was because I was making way too much noise. After a...