If you think you recognize this clip, think again. Do not buy this clip unless you wish to give yourself to Me completely and be owned and enslaved by the dark demon laying within Me. You know how they discover underneath some paintings a lost masterpiece? They carefully wipe away what is seen on the outside and reveal a hidden secret. Have you seen this clip? That is it's outer shell. Wonderful clip. It's more like finding a masterpiece under another masterpiece. I scratched at the surface and dug down deep and found a hidden treasure. Hidden inside is this clip, Enslaved. While sorting out o...
If you think you recognize this clip, think again. Do not buy this clip unless you wish to give yourself to Me completely and be owned and enslaved by the dark demon laying within Me. You know how they discover underneath some paintings a lost masterpiece? They carefully wipe away what is seen on the outside and reveal a hidden secret. Have you seen this clip? That is it's outer shell. Wonderful clip. It's more like finding a masterpiece under another masterpiece. I scratched at the surface and dug down deep and found a hidden treasure. Hidden inside is this clip, Enslaved. While sorting out o...