STANDARD DEFINITION VERSION. Part one of two. The next morning, Joe felt restless. He had done a lot more thinking during the night. He had lost his battle to reform his character, and was now know looking to carry a very wicked plan. Frank briefly spoke to him, then headed off to work, leaving him alone with Misty. The step-father's behavior had been deceptively normal. It gave no hint of the forbidden things he had recently done with his step-daughter. As soon as Misty came down for breakfast, Joe sprang into action. He sneaked up behind her while she stood in the kitchen with her back turne...
STANDARD DEFINITION VERSION. Part one of two. The next morning, Joe felt restless. He had done a lot more thinking during the night. He had lost his battle to reform his character, and was now know looking to carry a very wicked plan. Frank briefly spoke to him, then headed off to work, leaving him alone with Misty. The step-father's behavior had been deceptively normal. It gave no hint of the forbidden things he had recently done with his step-daughter. As soon as Misty came down for breakfast, Joe sprang into action. He sneaked up behind her while she stood in the kitchen with her back turne...