Rachel is sitting on the couch crossed legged with her arms folded, wearing high heels short dress. She has just come home from work and was mad because of what she suspected about her husband. Rachel has some questions for her husband and she has got some very dirty little tricks to get some answers. Rachel has been taking karate lessons, her husband not been too happy with the thought that she is stronger than him and he has been worried what she could do if she found out about his affair with her step-sister. She is fitter than ever and not to be messed about with. Her husband comes in a...
Rachel is sitting on the couch crossed legged with her arms folded, wearing high heels short dress. She has just come home from work and was mad because of what she suspected about her husband. Rachel has some questions for her husband and she has got some very dirty little tricks to get some answers. Rachel has been taking karate lessons, her husband not been too happy with the thought that she is stronger than him and he has been worried what she could do if she found out about his affair with her step-sister. She is fitter than ever and not to be messed about with. Her husband comes in and greets her. He stands in front of her with his back towards her. She suddenly gets an idea. She slides her leg up in-between his legs with her foot riding high into his crotch with her shoe on. He is taken by surprise. He resists but she lifts her foot up high in to his crotch, he feels her foot crushing his balls, lifting them into his abdomen. Rachel suspects he has been having an affair with her step-sister and she is going to interrogate him to find out how long it has been going on. Right now your balls are at the mercy of my foot. If I want to I can turn you into a woman very easily. She taps his balls with her foot. He jumps a little, and is getting quite scared. He has always been scared of her since she started her karate lessons and knows she could quite easily humiliate him. She lifts her foot up into his crotch higher and pulls her foot inwards towards her. He lets out a little cry of pain. I think you get the point, she says smiling, as she lowers her foot a little but still keeping her foot firmly in contact with his crotch. She begins the questions; she lifts her foot up into his crotch crushing his balls into his pelvis. She suspends him in the air, lifting him up by his balls, he stands on tip toe almost off balanced, he tries to grab her foot with his hands and free himself. Rachel gets a few answers and starts to relax a little now that she has got the truth she wonders what to do next. I think I like this game, she says, I think I will just keep you here with your balls on the end of my leg, how do you like that? She starts to rub his balls with her foot in and out between his legs. Don't I have better legs than my step-sister, she asks as she massages his sore balls with her foot. She continues to rub his crotch with her foot and rotates her foot around in his crotch. She dangles her foot underneath his balls. Rachel decides that she will get him aroused to make him realize what he has been missing. She changes her legs using her other leg and carries on for a few more minutes rubbing his balls moving her foot in and out between his legs. Rachel is getting turned on, she likes the feeling of power it gives her to have a man by the balls completely at her mercy. He agrees to stop the affair. She lowers her foot finally, letting him go. Then she decides to put her hand up from behind into his crotch feeling his balls and dick. She wants to be sure it has worked. Her plan was to punish him and then please him. She reaches in between his legs from behind and jerks his cock. She pushes him to the floor and wraps her thighs around his neck in a head scissor laughing as she does. "Just making sure honey you do not forget what my legs can do to you," she says as she continues to squeeze him. He tries to break free, she holds him there until she realizes she has knocked him out. He slumps to the floor. Rachel stands up, straightens her dress out, and nudges him with her foot making sure he is out. She laughs and says, well, that is that. I guess I better get dinner ready. 12 minutes long, 3 minutes free.