HIGH DEFINITION VERSION. Part one of MILF1233. Rachel constantly fought with her step-daughter Misty. The young woman was very rebellious, and took great pleasure in antagonizing her upright step-mother. One day she succeeded in pushing Rachel to the very limit. She was lounged on the best furniture, dressed in a skimpy outfit, and wearing her make-up and her hair in a deliberately wild style. All these things appalled Rachel. She read her step-daughter the riot act, and threatened to go to Misty's step-father about the matter. This only amused the young woman. She knew she was the apple of...
HIGH DEFINITION VERSION. Part one of MILF1233. Rachel constantly fought with her step-daughter Misty. The young woman was very rebellious, and took great pleasure in antagonizing her upright step-mother. One day she succeeded in pushing Rachel to the very limit. She was lounged on the best furniture, dressed in a skimpy outfit, and wearing her make-up and her hair in a deliberately wild style. All these things appalled Rachel. She read her step-daughter the riot act, and threatened to go to Misty's step-father about the matter. This only amused the young woman. She knew she was the apple of her step-daddy's eye. With relish she declared that she would always be more popular with her step-father than Rachel was. It was a biting comment that hurt Rachel's feelings: particularly as she feared it might be true. Things got even worse later on when Rachel found cigarettes in Misty's room. The step-mother put her foot down like never before. Having vented her fury, she confiscated the cigarettes and confined Misty to her room indefinitely. While she was back in the living room cooling off, Rachel got a call from the doctor. Following a long, unsuccessful period of trying to get pregnant, Rachel had gone in for some tests. Now the results were in, and they were nott good. Rachel fought back her tears as the doctor told her that she had become infertile. Her dreams of having a step-son or another step-daughter were suddenly, bitterly over. A few moments later her husband arrived home. He saw his wife crying and immediately comforted her. Rachel melted in his arms and told him everything. Meanwhile, Misty had overheard the commotion and sneaked out of her room to listen in. The wicked young woman took in her step-mother's every word concerning the doctor's call and Misty's own troublesome behaviour. None of the conversation moved her. Instead she thought about how she could get revenge over her step-mother in light of this new situation. Soon a diabolical idea came to mind. Misty knew of a bottle of her step-mother kept in her purse. What if she put them in her step-father's drink when Rachel was not around, got him drowsy, and fucked him without his wearing a condom? There was a real possibility she could end up pregnant. Misty would then flaunt her fertility - thereby rubbing in her step-mother's barrenness. She could show that she had successfully given Rachel's husband what Rachel herself could not. Finally, there was Misty's own attraction to her step-father to consider. She had always wanted to fuck him, and now there seemed countless reasons to do so. That evening, with Rachel taking a nap in her room, Misty got to work. Her step-father suspected nothing as she came to his study bearing her specially-laced drink. After taking only a few sips of it he fell into a confused swoon.