SFD031 Sabrina vs Lara - Test Of Strength PART 2
My Rating:
Category: Fantasy Wrestling
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 11/29/2018


Lara and Sabrina have an argument on a scratch-off winning card and they decide to settle it with a test of strength kind of fight. The two sexy ladies start off in a standing wrestling stance and begin the match! To have the best of the opponent, they try to bring the other down to her knees... they push forehead to forehead, to pin each other in a full body press, in a close belly to belly action, or straddling the opponent, they even try to each other!
They try the opponent’s strength at leg wrestling, they even fight with body and neck scissors and chokes. Hairpulling is used towards t...
SFD031 Sabrina vs Lara - Test Of Strength PART 2

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