Rapture found a willing sweet wrestling partner...THEN she decides to challenge his control as she nibbles, chomps, bites, licks him as she is scissoring, humiliating and destroying him. If this victim is not careful she will chew off his fingers as her afternoon snack. Goal is to turn him bright red with designs of teeth marks all over. How long will he last before he runs? Rapture will just chase him down, body slam him and coil around him like a long, sleek, flawless python going in for the .
Rapture found a willing sweet wrestling partner...THEN she decides to challenge his control as she nibbles, chomps, bites, licks him as she is scissoring, humiliating and destroying him. If this victim is not careful she will chew off his fingers as her afternoon snack. Goal is to turn him bright red with designs of teeth marks all over. How long will he last before he runs? Rapture will just chase him down, body slam him and coil around him like a long, sleek, flawless python going in for the .