Raquels Chocolatetoes Pedal Pumping In 5 inch Wedges
My Rating:
Category: Pedal Pumping
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 8/19/2012


Another one by request! I was asked to do another pedal pumping movie in these wedges. He liked the way my feet looked in these shoes when I wore them in my crush video and wanted to see how they looked driving. This pedal pumper is different from the others b/c I have a friend in the car who helps me film! You get more leg shots, speedometer shots, and hands on the steering wheel. During the traffic stop I take off one of my wedges rub and play with my foot and wiggle my toes for you! The fastest I get in this one if around 60mph. I hope you enjoy this video :) Follow me @RChocolatetoes
Raquels Chocolatetoes Pedal Pumping In 5 inch Wedges

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