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Raven walk into a room and sit down at a chair and she cross the legs.
She starts tapping her foot consistently on the floor for a while...
but someone is looking at her toe tapping! she ask at the person if they are looking at her toe tapping. she tell that person not to be worried, because she like tapping her toes for long time and she love tapping gin sandals because people can see her sexy toes. she stop talking and just tap her toes
Raven walk into a room and sit down at a chair and she cross the legs.
She starts tapping her foot consistently on the floor for a while...
but someone is looking at her toe tapping! she ask at the person if they are looking at her toe tapping. she tell that person not to be worried, because she like tapping her toes for long time and she love tapping gin sandals because people can see her sexy toes. she stop talking and just tap her toes
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