Topless to the finish. Marisa and Godiva fight round after round until one is unable to continue. Sexy bodies collide against each other and fly around the room with slaps, hair-pulling and every hold ever invented and some that were not.
End to end action with hot tempered Latina women that leave it all on the floor. These are 2 sexy babes and they go body to body for nearly an hour of fighting. Great action!
WMV (289 MB) Running time: 53 min
Topless to the finish. Marisa and Godiva fight round after round until one is unable to continue. Sexy bodies collide against each other and fly around the room with slaps, hair-pulling and every hold ever invented and some that were not.
End to end action with hot tempered Latina women that leave it all on the floor. These are 2 sexy babes and they go body to body for nearly an hour of fighting. Great action!