By request Anna stands blindfolded and gagged. She wears eastern style costume and her hands are behind the bar. I tickle all over her belly and sides. Pull the waistband of her pants down to her panties to show as much of her belly as possible. After I tickle all over her belly and sides, then slap her belly repeatedly all over. Put Ir arm around her waist to steady her and push her belly forward while I slap her belly. Then I slap her belly ten times and count each slap. Then I scratch her belly all over with Ir fingernails. Then I grab and squeeze and shake her bell...
By request Anna stands blindfolded and gagged. She wears eastern style costume and her hands are behind the bar. I tickle all over her belly and sides. Pull the waistband of her pants down to her panties to show as much of her belly as possible. After I tickle all over her belly and sides, then slap her belly repeatedly all over. Put Ir arm around her waist to steady her and push her belly forward while I slap her belly. Then I slap her belly ten times and count each slap. Then I scratch her belly all over with Ir fingernails. Then I grab and squeeze and shake her belly all over. Then I poke her belly all over with Ir fingertips. Then I rub her belly all over, gently squeeze and massage her belly. Then I get different instruments to slap her belly, like a riding crop, wooden spoon, spatula, cane. Use them to hit her belly all over, several times each. Then cover her belly in shaving lotion, tickle her through the lotion. Then use my instruments to her belly with the shaving lotion more. Then I clean any remaining shaving lotion off her belly with a wet towel. Then I rub ice all over her belly. Next, I use a hair dryer to and burn her belly. Then after the hair dryer, I rub her belly gently while she rests. Then stick my finger in her belly button, deep as possible, and hold it in, keep the pressure on and count to ten. Then I repeat with a close up on her belly button. Then take my finger out of her belly button, and poke in and out ten times and count. Then I repeat with a close up on her belly button. Then I hook my finger in her belly button and pull it up and down and side to side several times. Then I repeat with a close up on her belly button. Then I get two fingers and hook them in her belly button and pull her belly apart, spread it open, stretch it out hold it open for several seconds. Then I repeat with a close up on her belly button. Then I stick my finger in her belly button and wiggle it around in there and tickle in her belly button. I do that with all my fingers and thumbs. Then I repeat with a close up on her belly button. Then I get small, objects like Q-tips and stick them in her belly button and in her belly button with them. Then squirt shaving lotion into her belly button and rub it all over her belly button. I tickle in her belly button with my fingers and thumbs while the shaving lotion is in there. Then I use the tips and paintbrushes. Then I clean the remaining shaving lotion out of her belly button with a wet cloth. Then I run ice around her belly button and stick the ice cube in her belly button. Then I get the hair dryer and hold right close to her belly button for a while. Then I repeat the ice and hair dryer on her belly button with a close up on her belly button. Then I run ice over her belly again and stick the ice in her belly button again. Then I gently pat and smack all over belly. Then I gently play with her belly button. Then I gently rub her belly all over, pat it, give her belly button a final poke and leave her. The camera zooms in on her belly button and fades out.