Big Girl Crushes Tiny Men - Giantess Barbara
My Rating:
Category: Shrinking Fetish
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 8/31/2024


Giantess Barbara is back, her heavy footsteps announcing her arrival. Whatever she steps on has no chance of survival. Today is a relaxing one. The weather is beautiful, the birds are everywhere and without a single care in the world, she reads a book.

Did we also mention that she casually steps on the tiny people in her path. She diverts her attention between her book and the tiny men at her feet, squishing them with her bare toes, mashing them to nothing. She also crushes using black sneakers.

Truly, Giantess Barbara doesn't have a care in the world. The tiny people, how...

Big Girl Crushes Tiny Men - Giantess Barbara

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