Now that we have programmed Jordanna, we decide to notch it up a bit with my typical sofa stuck routine. Upon her release from my programming, she is reluctant to believe anything really happened. So to solidify my stance here, I go over to her and have her reach an instant state of training as her body goes and lose. At this state, I instruct her that her ass will be crazy glued to the sofa, and each time I snap my finger she will feel something poking her in the ass. Then I quickly bring her out of this state, and she jars awake and still denies anything really has happened. So I casually as...
Now that we have programmed Jordanna, we decide to notch it up a bit with my typical sofa stuck routine. Upon her release from my programming, she is reluctant to believe anything really happened. So to solidify my stance here, I go over to her and have her reach an instant state of training as her body goes and lose. At this state, I instruct her that her ass will be crazy glued to the sofa, and each time I snap my finger she will feel something poking her in the ass. Then I quickly bring her out of this state, and she jars awake and still denies anything really has happened. So I casually as...