OK, now we have programmed Nikki Lavay to respond to the magic word RED as if she just had the most intense orgasm ever. After giving her that program, we start talking about favorite colors, as she says hers is Pink (pointing to her nail color) and purple... as I ask what about RED.. and you can see, even though subtle; that something happened to her. She gasps slightly, and sits up; and feels something... she doesn't quite want to tell me yet... and then after a few moments I say RED again.. and this time it hits her harder, as her mouth opens slightly as she touches herself and then I menti...
OK, now we have programmed Nikki Lavay to respond to the magic word RED as if she just had the most intense orgasm ever. After giving her that program, we start talking about favorite colors, as she says hers is Pink (pointing to her nail color) and purple... as I ask what about RED.. and you can see, even though subtle; that something happened to her. She gasps slightly, and sits up; and feels something... she doesn't quite want to tell me yet... and then after a few moments I say RED again.. and this time it hits her harder, as her mouth opens slightly as she touches herself and then I menti...