Isobel Wren in Controlled
This is Isobel's first time working with me. I've been a long time admirer of her work, and have always wanted to work with her. But when I reached out to contact her, she resisted because she said she could not be trained... by anyone. So I accepted her decision, and let things lie... but a few years later, she reaches out to me and tells me she lied to me.. and instead of not being able to be trained, she is indeed super trainable.. and by such, she was weary of working with me because of the trust factor. But she had heard numerous glowing reviews from ot...
Isobel Wren in Controlled
This is Isobel's first time working with me. I've been a long time admirer of her work, and have always wanted to work with her. But when I reached out to contact her, she resisted because she said she could not be trained... by anyone. So I accepted her decision, and let things lie... but a few years later, she reaches out to me and tells me she lied to me.. and instead of not being able to be trained, she is indeed super trainable.. and by such, she was weary of working with me because of the trust factor. But she had heard numerous glowing reviews from other models about how wonderful it is to work with me, and decided to give it a chance... and this video is the results of it.
Isobel was a gem, and wonderful at this. She took to my training very well and very deeply as you can tell in the video. We've worked together two other times after this, until she retired from modeling... and each time was better than the next... but nothing tops the first time! I'm releasing this video in its entirety including the full training parts, which weren't released before. Enjoy watching her exploration of letting go... and putting her hands in mine.
This video includes the full training, including the following segments:
Sofa Stuck FREEZE Welcome Isobel Wren.. She had resisted my training for many years, but finally; she came to her senses and decided to give it a shot this year! So, I have her on my sofa and she goes under super fast and super easy; finally training her to believe that she's stuck on the sofa and everytime I snap my fingers she feels something poking her in the ass. It works very well, and she's frustrated that she can't get up, and feels something poking her in the ass... At the very end I FREEZE her and remove her shirt exposing her bra and beautiful cleavage. This clip is in a 60p format, so the video is quite smooth!
Brain Cleaning Now that we have Isobel Wren trained to our satisfaction, she has been made to believe she's stuck to the sofa, and something is poking her in the ass. She's kind of frustrated, and doesn't quite know what to do.. So after she squirms for a bit, I decide to give her a solution.. The solution of course is to clean her brain! Isobel kinda knows something fishy is happening, but she's in such a training state that she can't determine what is real or what is not. So she has a nervous laugh when I mention this to her, and she says this is really silly; but then she doesn't quite know! But she agrees to let me remove it with full knowledge that she may turn into a vegetable.
So I go over, and grab her head while starting the brain removal process. Once its yanked, you can instantly see her gaze go blank her body and lose. Before I put her brain back in, I decide to have a bit of fun with her body as I lift her arms and drop them to the sofa with a thud.. then I remove her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts all while she's not here mentally. with that far long away looking gaze, knowing that there is nothing behind those eyes... her body yet not completely gone...
Then I put her brain back in, but I put it in backwards of course! Any fan of my work will know my process. Each person reacts to this differently, and Isobel is no different. When she is back with me, I ask her how she feels; and she says off. She seems normal, and is acting normal so I start asking some questions to see how her backward brains works. She believes she is sitting, but she is saying everything looks backwards. Her left and right is switched, but to adapt to it she believes everything is backwards not that she's wrong. She thinks she is making this up, but in actuality her brain is backwards (at least she believes it is).. she doesn't know if she is left or right handed! She isn't sure of anything, and then realizes she's topless! Then I tell her there is a strong possibility that her brain is in backwards! Then the first thing that pops into her head is - how can she drive now? Then if her shoes will fit her anymore, which is totally weird... and she can't think she can walk cause everything is backwards and flipped... she is totally confused!
So I decide to remove her brain again, and fix it.. While her brain is gone this time, I focus on closeups of her body parts, beautiful hands, arms, breasts, face. Then I close up on her heels and feet as I remove them to show everyone her pretty feet.. and then put her brain back into her body. She's now able to stand up, and everything is better and back to normal!
Mind Connection In this clip, Isobel Wren is convinced that I have established a strong mind connection to her and as such anything I instruct her to do for believe will become real instantly without giving her a chance to object. I start off by telling her to remove her shorts; and instantly you see her standing up and removing them without any objection. I then ask her why she did that, and she was a bit confused cause she know I asked her but she had no chance to digest or process my request and just did it without hesitation. Then we start talking about stuff, she mentions some shooting she did prior to me with water and getting her hair wet; so I tell her casually that she didn't do any water work; and she started adjusting her story accordingly.. Then I asked her how her hair got wet; and she said she probably showered... then I told her she doesn't ever shower; so she said, no it was a bath.. then I told her she doesn't bathe; and then doesn't model.. totally confusing her! Also I get her to remove her panties; so she is absolutely nude. Its quite interesting how this normal conversation twists and turns given my suggestions to her in a natural conversation.
Getting Horny Now that we have established the brain connection between Isobel Wren and myself, and determined that it works well - I decide to take this towards a new direction.. as I tell her, that she is starting to get horny. Instantly you can see her behavior change slightly as she starts to sensually rub her breasts, and her legs start to part as one hand moves down between them.. as she talks to me, her body starts to move slower and more erotic.. her hand playing with her pussy, rubbing it, feeling more and more turned on... but all during which we are having a conversation about programming, and other things!
RED Orgasms In this clip, Isobel Wren is horny.. she's so horny she can't stop by play with herself. How did she become this horny? By my direct mind connection to her, and giving her the suggestions that she will become super horny with each moment that goes by (see prior clip)... Then I briefly put her back into a training state where I instruct her that the word RED will give her the most intense instant orgasm ever... and bring her out, as she continues playing with herself.. then I tell her something with the word RED in it and she explodes into an orgasm! Even when I point her view to some RED cups, she starts having an instant orgasm. Very erotically charged clip.
Deeper Automatic The beginning of this clip was right before we took a break; and then we continue coming back from the break... I perform a few deepeners to ensure Isobel Wren is trained well; and while she's in a training state, I start instructing her body to perform various things starting with an arm levitation with both her arms.. then having them fall down and lose; as I instruct her head to lift up.. while still in this state her eyes are instructed to open still in this training state and unaware of what is happening... finally bringing her out of it.
Flirting, Age Regresssion In this clip, Isobel Wren is trained to begin to start flirting with me. But the kicker here, is the more she flirts with me; she starts regressing her voice patterns to a younger and younger age. She still remains herself the age she is at now, but only her voice patterns start to become younger and younger. You can hear, as she begins to toy with her hair; batting her eyes towards the camera, her voice starting to get younger and younger. Its quite interesting, because at a certain point she starts talking with a southern accent! And she recognizes this, and fights it; and starts talking normal.. but she can't fight it too long, as she reverts back easily; and even further and further till she is talking like a young and she gets frustrated at the events happening, till I put her back into a training state.
Mind Sucking Lens Now that we have established our hold on Isobel Wren's mind, we decide to suck it out by our mind sucking lens! Here we have her looking into my camera lens, and as such her gaze becomes oddly fixated on it... and the longer she stares into the lens the more it starts sucking her mind out of her body. You can see by watching her, this transformation starting to being leaving her mindless and her body receptive to anything I do to it... finally reversing the process as it slowly re-enters her body.
FREEZE In this short and simple clip, Isobel Wren is frozen solid. She's stuck, can't move, can't see, can't think.. time has been suspended for her. Her body stuck in a pose that she was in when I said the magic word FREEZE and then posed a bit more with me doing a closeup on her body and arms and beautiful hands. I move her arm up and down, as you can see its stuck solid with the hand not moving a bit as I do this. Then I unfreeze her, as she realizes something fishy is happening... freezing her again, and making her hands give us the BIRDIE and then unfreezing her as she quickly remedies the situation.
Creepy Photographer Now in this clip, we put Isobel Wren back into a training state and give her a temporary amnesia where when she comes out of the training state she believes she's in her own hotel room, and she finds me there - a total stranger - filming her napping. You can see instantly the shock in her eyes and face as she complains loudly about me being there and having to leave.. she then starts to immediately get dressed; but I use my brain connection to her to remove her panties and she gets super frustrated and starts calling out for her boyfriend.. with no avail; as he's not there. I tell her I bribed him to leave, and she is in disbelief! She starts to move towards the phone to call security, but she's stuck! So she starts trying to kick me, and hit me; but can't cause of the invisible field around me. Finally the more frustrated she becomes, the more turned on she is. You can see her starting to play with herself, but catches it and stops.. but then starts again.. finally masturbating and giving us a great show! She still wants me to go, and says she hates me... but then I tell her she really likes me and instantly you can see her behavior change! Its quite the level of control we have over Isobel in this clip - its a must see!
Finger Swap In this last and final clip of Isobel Wren, I have her believing that her index finger and her pussy has been swapped. She doesn't realize this yet, but when I talk to her - I ask her to start licking her fingers. She starts off sucking on her thumb, and then I tell her to suck on her index finger and when she does she instantly is shocked as she feels like she's licking her pussy! Watch and enjoy as she tongues her finger, over and over; getting turned on while doing so.. and inspecting her real pussy to see what's there! Finally after this, I bring her out of the training and tell her that when I shake her hands she will remember everything we did earlier.
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