Tara Tied in Controlled
Here is another re-released in its entirety, the full movie of Tara Tied being controlled. Enjoy watching how frustrated she becomes when she realizes she's let all her control go.
This includes the following segments, at a discounted rate:
Tara Tied in Programming
Introducing Tara Tied, a beautiful model that I've wanted to work with for quite sometime now... finally our schedules met, and we are here! Before we start, we do our preliminary introductory question and answers, to get to know Tara a bit better... and then I progress into a PROGRAMMED test, which works wonderfully.
Now I have her lay down, and relax... as I talk to her, she slowly submits and succumbs to my will by becoming and relaxed. Eventually her arm levitates upwards automatically her to go deeper into my PROGRAM .
After I'm done PROGRAMING her, I bring her back.. and then ask her what she recalls. And its absolutely nothing, to the point she believes nothing happened. So I walk over to her, and grab her hand; and instantly drop her down as her body falls instantaneous.
Tara Tied in Stuck, Freeze, Gone
In this second clip, we have Tara PROGRAMED to believe her ass is glued to the sofa! And she has no clue she's been PROGRAMMED . So, she tells me that she doesn't think anything is working, and is apologizing for it - while I ask her to stand up so we can try a different approach (knowing that she's indeed deeply PROGRAMMED ).. So when she attempts to stand up, she can't - and the look on her face is of total confusion and shock! She struggles and struggles to try to get up off the sofa, and just can not! After a while of watching her struggle, I decide to go over and lend her a helping hand, and as she grabs my hand to let me help her get up - I say FREEZE ! And she's stuck, frozen in time... I remove my hand from hers, while her hand still remains suspended in air, as if there's an invisible hand grabbing it. I pan around her body a bit, pose her a little bit by moving her head to see her face better, and her hand and arms... I UNFREEZE her, where she looks even more confused!
So I start the process of building up the story that her mind is cluttered and needs to be cleaned, by making her forget the number FIVE and her name. Making her even more confused as to what the heck is happening, and more willing to let me remove her brain and clean it!
So I get to the point of explaining to her what I can do to fix things, and she reluctantly agrees to let me try. I go over to her, and grab her head to virtually remove her brain, and as I pull on her head making her believe I'm removing her brain - the moment I grab it, her eyes flutter backwards, and she's gone. Her body goes and lifeless as she's checked out. Her eyes rolling back, and going all crossed eyed here and there, as I'm able to do with her as I wish. But I decide to return her brain, before I get into any trouble; but I put it in backwards! As you well know, by seeing my older clips, this is a common thing I do with my new models... so I wont bore you with the details; but its fabulous!
I then fix her brain, and she can stand up again! Relived, she smiles as I say FREEZE , as she's stuck I remove her shirt.. and her bra, and eventually panties... leaving her completely naked!
Tara Tied in Blank, Undressed
We return after a short break, and of course... she would have to find her clothing again and get fully dressed. So I decide to notch things up a bit, by PROGRAMING her to go BLANK with that trigger word. Each time she goes BLANK though, her mind will remain open for any suggestion I give it, and she will have to perform that suggestion when she is no longer BLANK, and not understand why.
While we are in a normal conversation, I interject the BLANK word here and there - instantly when I do, her eyes roll back as she goes empty. I now instruct her to start removing bits of clothing, and when she goes UNBLANK she has to! She is totally shocked, at what she just did - especially since she had no control!
Then I make her go as I go close-up to her, and move her body around, lifting a arm and dropping it, etc..
Tara Tied in I will Obey
We begin by PROGRAMING Tara to believe that my camera can suck people's mind into it... and as such, when she stares into my lens, it starts to suck her mind out of her body into my camera. Everyone reacts differently to the various scenarios I present them with, as such Tara's mind does seem to be sucked into my camera, but the results are less than spectacular...
I quickly move into a different suggestion, making her repeat the last 10-seconds over and over again, uncontrollably when I snap my fingers.
Once that's done, we quickly switch gears, and I PROGRAM her to respond to idle conversation time by slipping into this mindless state of being, where her arms start levitating upwards and as such she falls into a deep trance uttering the words "I am ***, and I will obey"... and each time this happens, it becomes more and more difficult to bring her out of it.
So as we talk, I purposefully stop talking.. creating some idle time.. as you can see Tara's eyes begin to glaze over, and roll back.. as well as crossed eyed, as she repeats the phrase I've given her! THe interesting part here, is her perception of what I told her to say... instead of "I will obey", she says "I am ***, I am your slave".. And after a few moments of enjoying her in this state, I go over and shake her a bit, jarring her out of that state.. as she doesn't know what occurred, but feels strange. So this happens many times over, as we can see her will power slowly becoming none... as she odes what I wish.
Tara Tied in Ummm...
A wonderful suggestion came into my e-mail, that I've implemented and really enjoy doing... where I make the model lose IQ points every-time she utters the phrase "ummm" in conversation. When she does that, she instantly slips into a blank state, her eyes rolling back (or in Tara's case, becoming crossed eyed) and during which she will become a little bit more dumb. Then when she snaps out of it, continuing on where we left off in the conversation!
Tara performs this excellently, you can see instantly what happens when she utters "ummm", her eyes going all wonky, and over the progression of this video you can see her behavior and personality alter slightly, and eventually quite a bit to a ditsy bimbo type happy-go-lucky person! Who doesn't have a clue on how to bake a cupcake (her favorite), or anything else for that matter.
When she's in this total state of bimbo-likeness, I tell her to spread her legs. So complies instantly with a giggle, and starts moving her hands towards her pussy. Now, I start to get a bit worried here, because I know Tara mentioned to me that she didn't want to do any masturbation in the videos... and this was getting quite close to her masturbating! So now, the classic angel/devil dilemma goes through my head.. The devil yells at me: "Do it, make her masturbate and have orgasms - you have full control over her"... yet the angel chimes in "No, that would not be right. You gave her your word, and she's fully under your control so you have to be moral and stop things from going further"...
Well, as much as I would love to react to the devil inside of me, as Tara's hands start touching her pussy more and more, I had to instantly drop her into a PROGRAM state of being, her hands falling as her body slumps over - completely stopping any progression of her masturbating. As much as I hated to do so, I had to.
But what this clip shows, is the full level of control I have taken from Tara Tied - where she was completely clueless to what she was doing for me... That in itself was quite cool.
Tara Tied in Freeze Aware Finale
This is Tara's final clip, where I PROGRAM her to become frozen in place, but still be able to see hear and talk. I then mess with her, while she's aware of it happening; but I much prefer it when she's not.. so I change it up, and switch it so she isn't aware, and I pose her in multiple awkward positions... spreading her legs, and sticking her fingers in her mouth, and more.... while UNFREEZING her at the most awkward poses, to see the shock in her face as she scrambles to hide herself, then dumping her into a tate instantly before she can do much covering. Yes, I'm evil! LOL..,