Jessica, a professional, beautiful yet quite full of herself model, believes to be modeling for our new line of women's shoes which btw were made in Morocco. OK, I just made the Moroccan part up but it explains why these shoes are different and why they have certain effects on who ever wears them. Needless to say, our young model thinks I am nuts and the fact that I am hitting on her seems to, how can I say this, turn her off. Anyway, she does go along with the photo shoot and sure enough, the first p...
This is the 384x240 version of
Jessica Rayne clip Six Cinderella shoes
Jessica, a professional, beautiful yet quite full of herself model, believes to be modeling for our new line of women's shoes which btw were made in Morocco. OK, I just made the Moroccan part up but it explains why these shoes are different and why they have certain effects on who ever wears them. Needless to say, our young model thinks I am nuts and the fact that I am hitting on her seems to, how can I say this, turn her off. Anyway, she does go along with the photo shoot and sure enough, the first p...