Kelly Star clip Three Are you in deep trance for your master
All thoughts are gone
I am my masters property
Here we get to enjoy watching Kelly being mindlessly frozen, posed and undressed, turned into a simple talking doll who loves to do the "jumping Jacks" before running out of battery charge, slowly repeating mantras like, I am my masters property, brought to orgasm after being charged up again, turned into a posing mannequin which loves to be seductively entertaining and so much more. Orgasms on command, entranced st...
This is the 320x240 version of
Kelly Star clip Three Are you in deep trance for your master
All thoughts are gone
I am my masters property
Here we get to enjoy watching Kelly being mindlessly frozen, posed and undressed, turned into a simple talking doll who loves to do the "jumping Jacks" before running out of battery charge, slowly repeating mantras like, I am my masters property, brought to orgasm after being charged up again, turned into a posing mannequin which loves to be seductively entertaining and so much more. Orgasms on command, entranced st...