Melanie Hicks second visit clip The Robot Movie Too horny for my clothes
Melanie walks into an examination room to visit with a technician, about a recent inability to control her sexual urges, especially as it pertains to self-stimulation. She enters the room and finds Frank standing alone.
Frank: Yes can I help you....
Melanie: Are you DR Jenkins?....
Frank: Uhm yeah sure I'm DR. Jenkins how can I help you?
Melanie: I am experiencing difficulties regulating my pleasure...
This is the 640x360 version of
Melanie Hicks second visit clip The Robot Movie Too horny for my clothes
Melanie walks into an examination room to visit with a technician, about a recent inability to control her sexual urges, especially as it pertains to self-stimulation. She enters the room and finds Frank standing alone.
Frank: Yes can I help you....
Melanie: Are you DR Jenkins?....
Frank: Uhm yeah sure I'm DR. Jenkins how can I help you?
Melanie: I am experiencing difficulties regulating my pleasure functions.
Frank: You don't say, why don't tell me more about it?
Melanie: I am not programmed for self-stimulation, but an error in my sexual subroutines is causing me to touch myself. If I were human I would say that my thoughts begin to wander and that's when it starts
Frank: That's when what Starts?
Melanie: The touching.....and then malfunctioning
Frank: Please be as detailed as possible?
Melanie: I try not to touch myself but I then start thinking about my perfectly designed body and my.... my firm perky breast and my shapely thighs and taught round ass and
my hands just start to wander.
Melanie: I think about how I am the perfect female form, my sexual programming takes over and I know that I am designed to give and receive pleasure...I think about the fact that I am just a sex toy...I am just a sex toy and I must touch my perfect body...touch my perfect perfect body....Oh...Ah and then I get excited that I start to mal...mal ..mal function...malfunction....Oh no,...Oh no its hap...haphappening again.....Oh no.....I'm going shor...short...short circuit...short circuit.....
Melanie: This is what hap...hap...happens.. I begin to rub myself...faster....and faster...and'm designed to fuck....designed to fuck......error...error Sexual overload....Sexual overload...Oh Oh OH hhhhhhhhhh ...orgasm sequence initiated I'm a bad little sexdroid...I'm a bad little sexdroid....I'm a bad little sexdroid......
Melanie: I need to be be fucked...this unit is designed..... to be fucked designed.... to be fucked...error....excessive stimulation detected...Ahhh Oh..ahh..Oh....sexual overload eminent.......sexual overload eminent
sexual Oh Oh Oh can you hellllllllp meeeeeee.
Melanie: Hi I'm Jem...Jem...Jemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa
Frank: Damn I better try that again.
Melanie: Hi I'm Melanie, So nice to meet you. Would you like to play with me?
Melanie: Are we going to have sex? I'm designed for sex, you may have sex with me.
Frank: Perhaps, but why don't you tell me about yourself first.
Melanie walks into an examination room to visit with a technician, about a recent inability to control her sexual urges, especially as it pertains to self-stimulation. She enters the room and finds Frank, the janitor, standing alone.
Frank: Yes can I help you....
Melanie: Are you DR Jenkins?....
Frank: Uhm yeah sure I'm DR. Jenkins how can I help you?
Melanie: I am experiencing difficulties regulating my pleasure functions.
Frank: You don't say, why don't tell me more about it?
Melanie: I am not programmed for self-stimulation, but an error in my sexual subroutines is causing me to touch myself. If I were human I would say that my thoughts begin to wander and that's when it starts
Frank: That's when what Starts?
Melanie: The touching.....and then malfunctioning
Frank: Please be as detailed as possible?
Melanie: I try not to touch myself but I then start thinking about my perfectly designed body and my.... my firm perky breast and my shapely thighs and taught round ass and
my hands just start to wander.
Melanie: I think about how I am the perfect female form, my sexual programming takes over and I know that I am designed to give and receive pleasure...I think about the fact that I am just a sex toy...I am just a sex toy and I must touch my perfect body...touch my perfect perfect body....Oh...Ah and then I get excited that I start to mal...mal ..mal function...malfunction....Oh no,...Oh no its hap...haphappening again.....Oh no.....I'm going shor...short...short circuit...short circuit.....
Melanie: This is what hap...hap...happens.. I begin to rub myself...faster....and faster...and'm designed to fuck....designed to fuck......error...error Sexual overload....Sexual overload...Oh Oh OH hhhhhhhhhh ...orgasm sequence initiated I'm a bad little sexdroid...I'm a bad little sexdroid....I'm a bad little sexdroid......
Melanie: I need to be be fucked...this unit is designed..... to be fucked designed.... to be fucked...error....excessive stimulation detected...Ahhh Oh..ahh..Oh....sexual overload eminent.......sexual overload eminent
sexual Oh Oh Oh can you hellllllllp meeeeeee.
Melanie: Hi I'm Jem...Jem...Jemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa
Frank: Damn I better try that again.
Melanie: Hi I'm Melanie, So nice to meet you. Would you like to play with me?
Melanie: Are we going to have sex? I'm designed for sex, you may have sex with me.
Frank: Perhaps, but why don't you tell me about yourself first.
Needless to say, the story does not end here and there a lot more malfunctions, self pleasuring and, and, and yet to come