Odette, the bosses little step-daughter wakes up only to realize that she has lost all control over her muscles, which means, she is fully aware yet and helpless. Let's see what we can do that might make her change her mind about taking over my office. That should be easy right? All I have to do is to hold a thrusting vibrator on her wide open pussy, drive her up the wall for lust and let her wait and wait before letting her finally orgasm. After she has agreed to move out of my space that is. Of course that is not all...
This is the 320x240 version of
Odette clip Ten I give up
Odette, the bosses little step-daughter wakes up only to realize that she has lost all control over her muscles, which means, she is fully aware yet and helpless. Let's see what we can do that might make her change her mind about taking over my office. That should be easy right? All I have to do is to hold a thrusting vibrator on her wide open pussy, drive her up the wall for lust and let her wait and wait before letting her finally orgasm. After she has agreed to move out of my space that is. Of course that is not all...