Starring Alba Zevon, Will Justice & Special Guest Villain Camelia!
Evil genius Camelia is on the loose having escaped from a criminal asylum but the daring detective Alba Zevon and Will Justice are on the case!
Unfortunately, the unsuspecting duo are unaware that Camelia has hatched a devious plot to lure the leather-clad champions of justice into a trap. With her latest diabolical invention, a machine that can alter a person's voice to sound like somebody else's, the vicious vixen calls Alba on her mobile phone and uses the devilish device to change h...
Starring Alba Zevon, Will Justice & Special Guest Villain Camelia!
Evil genius Camelia is on the loose having escaped from a criminal asylum but the daring detective Alba Zevon and Will Justice are on the case!
Unfortunately, the unsuspecting duo are unaware that Camelia has hatched a devious plot to lure the leather-clad champions of justice into a trap. With her latest diabolical invention, a machine that can alter a person's voice to sound like somebody else's, the vicious vixen calls Alba on her mobile phone and uses the devilish device to change her voice so she sounds exactly like Will!!!
Poor Alba is completely taken in by the ruse. As Camelia continues to talk into the phone, her voice is completely changed by the machine to sound exactly like Alba's partner. Totally believing that Will has indeed tracked down Camelia to a hotel, the brave beauty falls for the vile villainess's subterfuge and as soon as the call is over she is on her way to meet him.
Camelia laughs evilly as she realises her trap has been set. Soon, the great Alba Zevon will come running into her hotel room and when she does, the vile vixen will have the brave beauty in her evil clutches!!!
Sure enough, a short while later, Alba begins to stir and quickly discovers, to her abject horror, that she has been taken and tied up tightly to a chair in the room where she thought she was meeting her partner. Struggling furiously, the defeated damsel cannot budge a single strand of the rough ropes that hold her to the chair.
Utterly bewildered, Alba cannot fathom how she came to be in this predicament?! The last thing she remembered was walking into the room but then everything went black and now the helpless heroine finds herself in this terrifying trap!
Dressed in a tight white shirt, black leather biker jacket, skin-tight black leather leggings and knee-high black leather boots, Alba continues to struggle and moan through the tight red cleave gag that slices between her luscious lips.
White ropes adorn her luscious body, squeezing into her and keeping the captured crimefighter rooted to the spot. She is tied tightly with ropes above and below her heaving breasts, pinning her arms to her sides. Her wrists are crossed and tightly lashed behind the chair. Her thighs, knees and booted ankles are also tightly bound together, then secured to one of the chair legs so she cannot get about.
No, Alba is going precisely nowhere and must wait to discover why she has been trussed up like this and by whom?! The confused crimefigher simply refuses to believe that her beloved Will would've done such a thing!!! Perhaps someone put him up to it?! But who???
After a while, Camelia enters the room and laughs as she sees her helpless captive staring angrily back up at her. Now the penny drops and Alba realises to her dismay that it was Camelia herself who lured her into this terrible trap!
But how did the vile villainess do it?!? Will is nowhere to be seen and Alba is certain it was his voice on the end of the phone!
Camelia laughs and taunts her prized prisoner - Alba won't have long to find out how her evil nemesis accomplished such a feat as the leathered lady pulls out her phone and the devious device once more. Calling Will, Camelia talks into the machine...
Alba's eyes widen in absolute shock as she suddenly hears her voice coming out of the small black instrument in Camelia's hand! Now she understands how she was taken in so easily - it indeed sounds just like she is really talking to her partner - will he be taken in by Camelia's evil device as well???
Alba struggles angrily and tries to cry out to warn Will of the dastardly trap but Camelia merely shrugs her shoulders and informs Will that she has captured the evil criminal and has her prisoner in this hotel room... if he hurries then they will be to take her into town and hand her over to the city cops!
Of course it is another clever ruse and sadly Will is totally taken in despite of Alba's best efforts to ruin Camelia's evil scheme. It surely looks like poor Will Justice will suffer the same fate as his powerless partner. With Alba still tightly bound and gagged with seemingly no way out of this terrible trap it will only be a matter of time before Camelia has them both...