Featuring Special Guest Villainess, Princess Onyx
Nyxon has been captured by the evil villainess Onyx and left tied up in her apartment, unable to move and unable to cry for help thanks to the tight cleave gag pulled through her luscious lips. But as the gorgeous brunette waits patiently for someone to rescue her, foul deeds are afoot as someone waits close by for a certain dashing hero to arrive...
Eventually one does show up in the shape of the leather-jacketed and booted crimefighter Will Justice, who has come to set the beautiful damsel free. Untyi...
Featuring Special Guest Villainess, Princess Onyx
Nyxon has been captured by the evil villainess Onyx and left tied up in her apartment, unable to move and unable to cry for help thanks to the tight cleave gag pulled through her luscious lips. But as the gorgeous brunette waits patiently for someone to rescue her, foul deeds are afoot as someone waits close by for a certain dashing hero to arrive...
Eventually one does show up in the shape of the leather-jacketed and booted crimefighter Will Justice, who has come to set the beautiful damsel free. Untying her tight wrist ropes and ungagging the poor helpless captive, brave Will reassures the worried woman that he has come to help her and immediately begins to question the thankful female as to who placed her in this awful predicament?!
Suddenly, a voice is heard behind Will and the devilish femme fatale Onyx arrives to boast about her successful trap! For it turns out that Nyxon is in cahoots with the redheaded rogue and together they staged this entire scenario. Onyx knew the brave, courageous crimefighter couldn't resist coming to the aid of a helpless damsel and so she purposely placed her assistant Nyxon in that chairtied predicament and awaited his imminent arrival.
Ordering her accomplice to bind the stunned stud to the same chair, using the same ropes that held Nyxon previously, Onyx laughs evilly as she watches the first ropes being applied to the hoodwinked hero...
A few moments later, poor Will is bound securely to the chair with several strands of tight rope that pull snugly around his body. Silver duct tape has been tightly wrapped around his head and over his mouth, effectively silencing his cries of protest but it is no use, no one is coming to HIS rescue!
Instead, Onyx and Nyxon return to admire their newly acquired trophy. Both women purr over the bound bear, stroking his chest and bald head whilst taunting him mercilessly. Clearly enjoying the moment, Onyx gloats in victory but what's this? Her assistant Nyxon appears to be taking a shine to the helpless hero!!!
Onyx puts a stop to her assistant's fondling of the captured crimefighter and reminds the bewitched brunette just whose side she's supposed to be on! Barking at her to go get the van so they can transport Will out of there, Onyx turns her attention to her prisoner now that they are alone.
A short while later, Will finds himself completely on his own after both women leave and begins a desperate struggle for freedom before it is too late. But it is simply no use, the bonds are far too tight and all the bound beefcake can do is tilt and rotate his chair a little as he finds he has little to no play at all!
After a long wait, Will can hear the tapping of high heels approaching and guesses this must be it but is surprised to see that Nyxon has come back on her own. It appears that the beautiful brunette has fallen completely in love with the crimefighter and wants no further part in Onyx's evil plans!!!
Switching sides, Nyxon begins to ungag a stunned but thankful Will and tries to hurry with her rescue attempt as she knows Onyx won't be far behind. Unfortunately, for the pair of them, the cruel villainess is closer than Nyxon thought and catches her treacherous assistant in the act!
Now Onyx has them both at her mercy and with her voice noticeably trembling with rage there's no telling what terrible vengeance the evil redhead will take on both Nyxon and Will Justice...
To find out what happens to the captured crimefighter and his would-be rescuer, stay tuned for part two!!!