Russian superheroine "The Red Swallow" is hot on the trail of a notorious computer hacker known as "Texas Wez", a criminal cowpoke who attempted to hack into the mainframe of the Falcon Haven City bank. Fortunately, the bank's security systems thwarted the villainous varmint's attempt to steal millions but Red Swallow has traced the source of the hacking directly to his hideout so she can bring Texas Wez to the corral of justice!
Upon discovering his lair, the courageous crime-fighter can find no trace of the brazen buckaroo but finds his personal computer and hopes she can find ou...
Russian superheroine "The Red Swallow" is hot on the trail of a notorious computer hacker known as "Texas Wez", a criminal cowpoke who attempted to hack into the mainframe of the Falcon Haven City bank. Fortunately, the bank's security systems thwarted the villainous varmint's attempt to steal millions but Red Swallow has traced the source of the hacking directly to his hideout so she can bring Texas Wez to the corral of justice!
Upon discovering his lair, the courageous crime-fighter can find no trace of the brazen buckaroo but finds his personal computer and hopes she can find out more about his diabolical schemes by hacking it herself...
Triumphantly thinking she has been successful, the screen on the laptop suddenly displays some sort of bizarre image which instantly transfixes Red Swallow. As the latex-clad heroine succumbs to the mysterious voice echoing through her mind, slowly everything goes dark...
Regaining her senses sometime later, Red Swallow is shocked to discover she has been bound in a cruel, inescapable hogtie but something is amiss... the ropes seem to be getting tighter!!!
Enter the vile villain who despite claiming to be from Texas appears to have an Australian accent? Oh well, the clearly confused criminal taunts the helpless heroine and informs her that she is tied in his special Texas Oil Rope Bondage!!!
The ropes have been coated with a special oil so that when she tries to free herself, her gloved fingers simply slip off the bonds... worse still, once the oil starts to dry it shrinks and thus, the rope will shrink!
Oh horror of horrors, can it be true? Will the ropes truly shrink over time?
As Texas Wez leaves the bound brunette she quickly discovers his threats are accurate - the ropes are indeed getting tighter!!! No amount of struggling seems to help, slowly her bonds are getting tighter and tighter, bending the costumed crime-fighter in the beastly back-arching bondage.
As the air is filled with her moans and the sound of her red leather thigh high boots rubbing against each other, Red Swallow can do nothing but struggle helplessly as the bonds get tighter with every passing second!!!
Worse still, her red latex halter top is pulling tight into her crotch as her body is bent like a bow. The fiendish villain also tied her long, luxurious hair into the hogtie, lashing it to her red leather booted legs and pulling her head painfully backwards.
Rolling onto her side, the Russian beauty is truly stuck as she lies there helplessly, groaning as she feels the ropes squeeeeze into her body... soon it will prove too much for her to take...
What on earth is Red Swallow going to do???