Starring Zoey Ziptie as Jungle Girl
with Lil Missy UK as Laura Craft
and featuring Roped Prose as Gargantua, The Guardian Gorilla!!!
When we last saw the heroine Jungle Girl, the unfortunate blonde beauty had been bested by a gargantuan gorilla - the protector of the fabled Golden Skull, which the bikinied babe had earlier tried to recover from the nasty tribal chieftain who stole it from her village.
Sadly, having been caught in the act right inside the chief's hut, the pesky primate overpowered poor Jungle Girl, leaving her at the mercy of ...
Starring Zoey Ziptie as Jungle Girl
with Lil Missy UK as Laura Craft
and featuring Roped Prose as Gargantua, The Guardian Gorilla!!!
When we last saw the heroine Jungle Girl, the unfortunate blonde beauty had been bested by a gargantuan gorilla - the protector of the fabled Golden Skull, which the bikinied babe had earlier tried to recover from the nasty tribal chieftain who stole it from her village.
Sadly, having been caught in the act right inside the chief's hut, the pesky primate overpowered poor Jungle Girl, leaving her at the mercy of the rival tribe.
Having tightly chair-tied the nubile young warrior and silenced her cries with a horrible bamboo stick gag, the tribe went back to dancing around their campfire leaving Jungle Girl to her own devices - not aware that the courageous heroine was in league with another fine female adventurer - the ravishing relic hunter Laura Craft!
After tracing Jungle Girl's whereabouts to the chieftain's hut, a shocked Laura immediately attempts to free her sexy partner by untying the tight knots that hold her rigid to the chair. Looking absolutely stunning in a figure-hugging olive green polo neck sleeveless sweater, skin-tight beige jodhpurs, black knee-high leather boots and dark brown leather gauntlets, Laura is warned by Jungle Girl about the sadistic simian that is on the loose but because the gorgeous explorer doesn't take off her friend's gag, she cannot understand her.
But even if she did it is all too late as suddenly, a loud roar from behind Laura reveals that the Guardian Gorilla has returned and now it is the courageous Laura Craft who must do battle with the powerful primate!
Grabbing the femme fatale in a tight bear... er... gorilla hug, the hairy behemoth cinches his strong arms around Laura's waist as she feebly tries to fight him off. Letting her go momentarily, Laura turns to run away but the angry ape quickly grabs her from behind and places his giant paw over her mouth.
Struggling to get loose it is too little too late as the mighty creature squeezes the spunk right out of the beautiful blonde and soon, she too will fall to the might of the Gargantuan Gorilla!
Sometime later, Laura awakens to discover to her abject horror, that she too is now tied up, lying at the feet of Jungle Girl who is still helplessly bound to the chair she has been in for some considerable time now. Instantly attempting to get free, the gorgeous explorer rolls and thrashes around on the floor of the hut but it is no use, the ropes that bind her are just too tight.
As she wiggles and squirms, her shapely butt judders about, as do her breasts that are squeezed between strands of the tight rope that bind her securely. A rope gag prevents Laura from communicating with Jungle Girl, both helpless heroines now reduced to inaudible grunts and groans.
With both women now prisoners of the evil tribe they cannot help but wonder what dastardly deeds the chieftain has in store for them now?! Perhaps he will leave them to the mercy of that awesome ape???
Oh my goodness! Come on Jungle Girl! Come on Laura Craft! If you have a plan, now's the time to put it into action!!!
What will happen to our desperate duo now??? Find out in the thrilling conclusion of...
The Guardian Gorillas of the Golden Skull!!!