"You're a doctor running a funded study to find the "most sexually appealing penis" for the pornography industry. I show up to participate out of sheer curiousity, not knowing what to expect as I sit in the waiting room. A clinic staff member tells me that Dr. Cox is ready for me and takes me back to your examining room. I am immediately struck by your appearance - as you're wearing a doctor's outfit that's both incredibly sexy but professional. You coldly ask me to confirm my name and date of birth, and you confirm that I don't have any sexually transmitted infections per the lab tests dra...
"You're a doctor running a funded study to find the "most sexually appealing penis" for the pornography industry. I show up to participate out of sheer curiousity, not knowing what to expect as I sit in the waiting room. A clinic staff member tells me that Dr. Cox is ready for me and takes me back to your examining room. I am immediately struck by your appearance - as you're wearing a doctor's outfit that's both incredibly sexy but professional. You coldly ask me to confirm my name and date of birth, and you confirm that I don't have any sexually transmitted infections per the lab tests drawn from the morning. Then we sit in silence as you read over the intake form I filled out in the waiting area. and you're very professional and objective about it. You see that it I marked "8x6 inches" for length and girth - in your head (maybe narrated), you blow me off as a clueless, overconfident young guy about to get a reality check. You go through the standard medical history about any current medical complaints (none), any past medical history/current medications/past surgeries (none), history of any medical conditions, smoking history (none), and whether I'm currently sexually active (yes - no complaints). You then get to the physical examination - including cock inspection. You inspect inside my mouth, examine my neck, listen to my heart and lungs, and press on my stomach - everything looks and feels normal. You then get to the penis examination, and you suddenly begin to get a bit more visibly interested. My cock looks above average size flaccid - at least 6 inches - but you figure I may just be a "shower" and that I'm probably still exagerrating. You take a measurement of me flaccid (using a dildo) and get it at 6 x 5 inches. You write it down in your chart but circle it to come back to it later. You regain your composure and tell me that you next need to measure my penis fully erect. For scientific purposes, all participants are exposed to the same stimulus for maximal arousal - the statuesque body of the examiner. While some may have criticized the study for being "unscientific" in this way, you maintain that it's the most realistic, standardized way of testing whether a model would be able to get maximally erect on cue to an adult model. I'm blown away, but I decide I have to keep going and agree to participate. You sensually strip down with JOI to get my cock at full mast. I can't help but stroke my growing cock, and you get visibly more excited until you realize that it's at full size. You bring out a tape measure and measure my cock at 8 inches long and 6 inches in girth (you would measure a dildo for this part). So I've passed the looks test in terms of body, cock, and face, but you still need to *test* the product to see if I can perform. You tell me that *very* few participants ever make it to this part of the survey, but all are tested for sexually transmitted infections the morning of the examination in case they make it to this final part. Additionally, the examiner (Dr. Cox) is also tested every 2 weeks for STI's, and you show me your recently negative results. You ask me if I want to keep going, and I agree without hesitation. You lube up your giant breasts and then titty fuck my big, hard cock while talking dirty to me about my cock and body. You then give me a blowjob, and then you fuck me in multiple positions - as you're really trying to get as large a sample of my skills to be able to recommend me to the porn industry. For the last part of the test, you tell me that I have to shoot the biggest load of my life deep inside your pussy: you're on birth control, and your pussy is actually calibrated with a microsensor that can calculate the amount of cum coating it (to send to your chart). I'm losing control at this point and finally explode deep inside you. We lie in each other's arms for about 5 minutes after the fact, and then you gingerly get up and encourage us to get dressed again. You thank me for participating in the study, and you also give me your card for future penile health visits - you've scheduled a follow-up visit in 2 weeks at your personal clinic. You walk me to the door and whisper in my ear that you also offer home visits. The video ends with you calling the study coordinators and telling me that "we can officially end the study - we've found our candidate"