Tenjou lets her tiny proffessor come in for their last English lesson together before the final exam. She's quite confident about passing thanks to her teacher's guidance. He ordered her to write a letter for this final lesson. This is what she wrote:
Dear Proffessor
I sit now and read this to you in the hopes you receive my immense gratitude towards your patience with me as well as I also hope you see the results of your tireless work in front of you, in the flesh.
As I prepare for the final exam tomorrow, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we'...
Tenjou lets her tiny proffessor come in for their last English lesson together before the final exam. She's quite confident about passing thanks to her teacher's guidance. He ordered her to write a letter for this final lesson. This is what she wrote:
Dear Proffessor
I sit now and read this to you in the hopes you receive my immense gratitude towards your patience with me as well as I also hope you see the results of your tireless work in front of you, in the flesh.
As I prepare for the final exam tomorrow, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've been on these past few months .
Your unwavering dedication, patience and passion for teaching have made a world of difference in my learning experience. From the very beginning, you believed in my potential and continuously pushed me to reach new heights. It hasn't always been easy, but your encouragement and support have made even the most challenging moments feel manageable.
I deeply appreciate the countless hours you've spent preparing lessons, answering my questions, and óffering guidance. Your teaching goes beyond just words and grammar—it's about connection, understanding, and growth.
As I approach the exam tomorrow, I feel a sense of confidence and readiness that I owe entirely to you. And that’s what will make the next part difficult to understand from your point of view.
There’s something I’ve been pondering in my mind for a long time. I didn’t know when or even if I was ever going to tell you, but I think it’s fair for you to know it from me before it actually happens.
You’re not going back home tonight. You won’t wake up tomorrow by your wife / nor see your sons again. I’m going to take that from you.
Since the very first moment I me t you, a thought has inhabited my mind. I managed to push it back, but I won’t do it anymore. I wanted to pick you up between my fingers and just toy with you, only to see your torment as I treated you like a toy between my fingers, neither of us knowing what would happen next, making you probably shiver upon the unknown danger you were about to face and making me relish on the anticipation of a surprising new passional, primal sensational feeling.
The feel of power. Holding another person’s life in my own hands. Holding his dreams, fears and hopes while I make up my mind onto what to do with that. Dehumanizing you to the point even you would have to admit you’re not a human being anymore, but whatever I decide you are. And after all these months, I finally made up my mind around that.
I decided you’re going to be my food today.
No matter the outcome, I know that I've gained so much more than just knowledge. Thank you for being such an incredible teacher. I am truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you. Now there’s no more need of you in this world. Your whole purpose now is to become my food. And I’m going to enjoy EVERY. LAST. SECOND. OF. IT.