Tera and Dallas have repeatedly met in the ring. And always they fights were principal. And now they are again trying to find out their relationship by using a whole arsenal of holds: Suplex; Spears; LegDrop; PileDriver; HurricaneRunner; ArmbarLock; Camel Clutch; ChokeHolds; Knee Panche; HipTos; ArmWringer; HeadScissors; BodyScissors; BostonCrab; AlbowDrop and other...
Tera and Dallas have repeatedly met in the ring. And always they fights were principal. And now they are again trying to find out their relationship by using a whole arsenal of holds: Suplex; Spears; LegDrop; PileDriver; HurricaneRunner; ArmbarLock; Camel Clutch; ChokeHolds; Knee Panche; HipTos; ArmWringer; HeadScissors; BodyScissors; BostonCrab; AlbowDrop and other...