Step-Mommy Changes Your Messy Diaper
My Rating:
Category: Diaper Discipline
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 6/21/2016


Step-Mommy is here to change you, my little baby. Oh! Baby? What is that awful smell!? What have you done? Did you mess in your diaper!? You're not supposed to do that! That's disgusting! Diapers are only for pee, little baby! You stink so bad!

Do you like smelling like mess, little baby!? Does it turn you on? Does it feel good to sit in your own filth? Well, if you like it that much maybe I will let you sit in your own filth all day! I came in here to put a nice new clean diaper on you. Step-Mommy didn't know you liked to mess in your diapers too! You are such a disgusting, stinky...

Step-Mommy Changes Your Messy Diaper

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