STANDARD DEF VERSION STARRING SANDRA SILVERS, RUTH CASSIDY & CONSTANCE COYNE Sandra is led into the room where he has three chairs prepared. A cloth cleaved between her teeth keeps her relatively quiet. We watch as she is tightly tied to the chair, her silk-bloused arms welded behind her, her pantyhosed legs spread wide and her heeled feet suspended off the ground. It's then her co-ed roommate friend, Constance's turn, except her ankles are tied together and tethered to her wrists beneath the chair. Next is Sandra's ultra-busty girlfriend, Ruth. Knees-together, ankles apart, quite the ...
STANDARD DEF VERSION STARRING SANDRA SILVERS, RUTH CASSIDY & CONSTANCE COYNE Sandra is led into the room where he has three chairs prepared. A cloth cleaved between her teeth keeps her relatively quiet. We watch as she is tightly tied to the chair, her silk-bloused arms welded behind her, her pantyhosed legs spread wide and her heeled feet suspended off the ground. It's then her co-ed roommate friend, Constance's turn, except her ankles are tied together and tethered to her wrists beneath the chair. Next is Sandra's ultra-busty girlfriend, Ruth. Knees-together, ankles apart, quite the ...