Brenda thought she would do something nice for her husband and slip into something sexy. She started cleaning up the kitchen to make a nice dinner for him. Little did she know he had other things in mind. He had been talking to our neighbor Katie who come to find out loved watching Brenda and was a bisexual. He set Brenda up by letting Katie come over before he got home to have some fun with her. She overwhelms Brenda and when she wakes up she finds her self tied in the basement with Katie. She plays and tickles Brenda till she can't stand it know more and just leaves her there to wait for her...
Brenda thought she would do something nice for her husband and slip into something sexy. She started cleaning up the kitchen to make a nice dinner for him. Little did she know he had other things in mind. He had been talking to our neighbor Katie who come to find out loved watching Brenda and was a bisexual. He set Brenda up by letting Katie come over before he got home to have some fun with her. She overwhelms Brenda and when she wakes up she finds her self tied in the basement with Katie. She plays and tickles Brenda till she can't stand it know more and just leaves her there to wait for her...