Starring: Sandra Silvers, Samantha Grace, Lisa Harlotte
Sandra and Samantha lie on the rusty steel-spring bed. Stripped to their pantyhosed and brutally box-tied, the determined dyad of damsels struggling for relief against the biting bonds. But relief is not to come. Instead, what their struggles get is the attention of Lisa, the beautiful blond boss in a ballgown who put the the girls in this position in the first place. Their punishment for attempting escape and possibly getting the attention of the party-goers upstairs? A stern spanking. Completely helpless and utterly...
Starring: Sandra Silvers, Samantha Grace, Lisa Harlotte
Sandra and Samantha lie on the rusty steel-spring bed. Stripped to their pantyhosed and brutally box-tied, the determined dyad of damsels struggling for relief against the biting bonds. But relief is not to come. Instead, what their struggles get is the attention of Lisa, the beautiful blond boss in a ballgown who put the the girls in this position in the first place. Their punishment for attempting escape and possibly getting the attention of the party-goers upstairs? A stern spanking. Completely helpless and utterly...