This request took a long time to make. It was requested that I do a close up of the throat with hiccups again, but this time with a coin or something that would sit in the lowest part of my throat/neck and draw attention to that spot. The first time I made it I really didn't like it and I did not release it. I was not hopeful this time, but it turned out to be a very beautiful and unique hiccup video... So, for you, MC, and I think replacing the coin with a silver heart charm worked out very nice! Thanks!
This request took a long time to make. It was requested that I do a close up of the throat with hiccups again, but this time with a coin or something that would sit in the lowest part of my throat/neck and draw attention to that spot. The first time I made it I really didn't like it and I did not release it. I was not hopeful this time, but it turned out to be a very beautiful and unique hiccup video... So, for you, MC, and I think replacing the coin with a silver heart charm worked out very nice! Thanks!