Giantess Nurses Shrink Healthy Boy for Our Asses to Absorb Taboo Fetish
My Rating:
Category: Shrinking Fetish
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 10/22/2023


Nurse Bebe and Sasha are excited to see you’re at a healthy height and weight. We need to grab a few more things, using a stethoscope and a pulse oximeter. The doctor has ordered some further, more invasive testing. To prepare you for this, we need to give you some special medicine. You’re so healthy, we decided to give you two doses. You aren’t looking so good. Do you feel okay? Maybe you should close your eyes. When you open them, the whole room has changed. What happened?? Well, our special medicine? We shrunk you down to just two measly inches! You’re so tiny! Your clothes are baggy ar...

Giantess Nurses Shrink Healthy Boy for Our Asses to Absorb Taboo Fetish

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