In this clip Tim has been ready to fight Sassy and she is not willing to say no to a fight! The fight consisted of 5, 2 minute rounds. To start the first round both fighters are light on their feet and just touching the body of the other to see where possible shots could lie. They both do well to see and land some open shots, but Sassy does a bet better to defend Tim's shots. Who knows, seeing Sassy's big tits bounce when she goes to land a shot is probably very distracting for TIm! Sassy keeps making advances at Tim and lands a good handful of punches but Tim does well to get out of the way o...
In this clip Tim has been ready to fight Sassy and she is not willing to say no to a fight! The fight consisted of 5, 2 minute rounds. To start the first round both fighters are light on their feet and just touching the body of the other to see where possible shots could lie. They both do well to see and land some open shots, but Sassy does a bet better to defend Tim's shots. Who knows, seeing Sassy's big tits bounce when she goes to land a shot is probably very distracting for TIm! Sassy keeps making advances at Tim and lands a good handful of punches but Tim does well to get out of the way o...