In the 3rd installment of Galaxyís Hanging Torment Series, Master Rick Savage Introduces us to Fiona, a cute bubbly brunette, who claims to have a high tolerance for pain. When the Master commands her to strip to lingerie we are treated to a glimpse of her perky breasts & button-like nipples jutting out of her black see-through bra. Looking just as magnificent is her well-rounded ass, which is enhanced by a garter-belt & stocking ensemble. After demonstrating his rope tying expertise, Master Savage violently flogs her swollen tits & her pain ridden nipples. Next, Fiona is blindfolded & tie...
In the 3rd installment of Galaxyís Hanging Torment Series, Master Rick Savage Introduces us to Fiona, a cute bubbly brunette, who claims to have a high tolerance for pain. When the Master commands her to strip to lingerie we are treated to a glimpse of her perky breasts & button-like nipples jutting out of her black see-through bra. Looking just as magnificent is her well-rounded ass, which is enhanced by a garter-belt & stocking ensemble. After demonstrating his rope tying expertise, Master Savage violently flogs her swollen tits & her pain ridden nipples. Next, Fiona is blindfolded & tie...