This is the fifth installment of videos from our visit with Hans-Peter, the new Studio Gum owner located in Frankfurt Germany. In this video we see Elise Graves in a smoky colored latex Vac-Cube. This vac-cube features thin rigid metal tubing instead of plastic tubing. The metal tubing doesn't bend under the pressure of the vacuum so the cube keeps its rectangular shape and 90 degree corners. This is a definite improvement over plastic tubing. All in all, everyone had a good time and it was a pleasure to see and experience all of Hans-Peter's cool rubber gear. Hans-Peter operates two retail ru...
This is the fifth installment of videos from our visit with Hans-Peter, the new Studio Gum owner located in Frankfurt Germany. In this video we see Elise Graves in a smoky colored latex Vac-Cube. This vac-cube features thin rigid metal tubing instead of plastic tubing. The metal tubing doesn't bend under the pressure of the vacuum so the cube keeps its rectangular shape and 90 degree corners. This is a definite improvement over plastic tubing. All in all, everyone had a good time and it was a pleasure to see and experience all of Hans-Peter's cool rubber gear. Hans-Peter operates two retail ru...