There is no way you can give me a failing grade this semester. My parents said if I flunk any part of college then they will send me to military school. Look at my princess nails, do they look like they can hold a ? They will cut my beautiful hair if I go there and try to make me look like a dude. Do you want to be responsible for someone taking away my ability to be a pretty girl? I am one of the prettiest girls on campus and you must help me to stay here in school. What do you say about hooking...
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There is no way you can give me a failing grade this semester. My parents said if I flunk any part of college then they will send me to military school. Look at my princess nails, do they look like they can hold a ? They will cut my beautiful hair if I go there and try to make me look like a dude. Do you want to be responsible for someone taking away my ability to be a pretty girl? I am one of the prettiest girls on campus and you must help me to stay here in school. What do you say about hooking...