Look at this place you have all to yourself! Im so jealous you dont have to live at home anymore. Our parents fight all the time. I dont want to live there especially now that youre gone. Why do you have to be my step-brother? I say this in the nicest of ways. I keep going out on dates but wind up comparing every guy to the way you are. Look, we are both over eighteen and technically not even related by . What I am trying to say is, I want to have a little fun with you here at your new pad. No one has to find out. It would be perfectly normal for a step-sister to randomly stop by and spend tim...
Look at this place you have all to yourself! Im so jealous you dont have to live at home anymore. Our parents fight all the time. I dont want to live there especially now that youre gone. Why do you have to be my step-brother? I say this in the nicest of ways. I keep going out on dates but wind up comparing every guy to the way you are. Look, we are both over eighteen and technically not even related by . What I am trying to say is, I want to have a little fun with you here at your new pad. No one has to find out. It would be perfectly normal for a step-sister to randomly stop by and spend tim...