You must be a new delivery guy because usually my groceries are left downstairs on the kitchen counter, not here in my bedroom. I am trying to get some rest before I have to go to work. What are you still doing in my bedroom? Oh, I think I see what you want for a tip. It so happens that good sex makes one rest better doesn't it?
Since you're here and appear to be available for some sexual satisfaction, I wouldn't mind trying out the new delivery guy. You should let me have a feel of that bulge wh...
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You must be a new delivery guy because usually my groceries are left downstairs on the kitchen counter, not here in my bedroom. I am trying to get some rest before I have to go to work. What are you still doing in my bedroom? Oh, I think I see what you want for a tip. It so happens that good sex makes one rest better doesn't it?
Since you're here and appear to be available for some sexual satisfaction, I wouldn't mind trying out the new delivery guy. You should let me have a feel of that bulge wh...