Can you believe our parents still expect us to sit around every week while they have their game night? They didn't even get the t.v. fixed since the last time I had to sit here for hours with you. I'm not going to sit here all night and be bored so you and me need to play our own game. Ill show you mine if you show me yours. This is totally what college do nowadays. If we happen to get horny while checking each others naked bods out then I know what game can come next, hide the hot .
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Can you believe our parents still expect us to sit around every week while they have their game night? They didn't even get the t.v. fixed since the last time I had to sit here for hours with you. I'm not going to sit here all night and be bored so you and me need to play our own game. Ill show you mine if you show me yours. This is totally what college do nowadays. If we happen to get horny while checking each others naked bods out then I know what game can come next, hide the hot .