Its been a few months since seeing you step-bro. Do you even know where Ive been? Your step-mom shipped me off to the middle of nowhere to a sex rehab clinic. She found out I was fucking a few of my college professors and figured I needed intervention or something. They monitored my every move at that place. I couldnt even masturbate! So I heard I am getting a welcome home party tonight and our parents are out buying the supplies. I dont even have time for a booty call so guess what? You look prett...
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Its been a few months since seeing you step-bro. Do you even know where Ive been? Your step-mom shipped me off to the middle of nowhere to a sex rehab clinic. She found out I was fucking a few of my college professors and figured I needed intervention or something. They monitored my every move at that place. I couldnt even masturbate! So I heard I am getting a welcome home party tonight and our parents are out buying the supplies. I dont even have time for a booty call so guess what? You look prett...