You must already know you're penis is the smallest in the world. I gathered extensive research and determined you do in fact have the smallest penis. I called you back to my office as I also have an independent project I would like you to be a part of. I have what I refer to as a fuck-it list. I would very much like to add a sexual experience with your penis to my list. I don't have to include your name on my personal list, I only desire to make a mold of your tiny penis to add to my collection as ...
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You must already know you're penis is the smallest in the world. I gathered extensive research and determined you do in fact have the smallest penis. I called you back to my office as I also have an independent project I would like you to be a part of. I have what I refer to as a fuck-it list. I would very much like to add a sexual experience with your penis to my list. I don't have to include your name on my personal list, I only desire to make a mold of your tiny penis to add to my collection as ...