Spancity is about to be terrorized by a new villain, The Green Spider. Our story opens with Princess Anna Phelps, AKA Atomic Girl awaiting a call from the Mayor, she heard about the new evil villain that was climbing and weaving his way to Spandcity. Receiving the call she goes into action and transforms into her super sexy alter ego Atomic Girl.
Entering the lair where the diabolical Spider was supposedly spotted only to find the spandex costume of Atomic Man, unaware of a dark lurking shadow she is surprised by the Green Spider. The villain uses an Atom-O-Nite crystal to weaker our s...
Spancity is about to be terrorized by a new villain, The Green Spider. Our story opens with Princess Anna Phelps, AKA Atomic Girl awaiting a call from the Mayor, she heard about the new evil villain that was climbing and weaving his way to Spandcity. Receiving the call she goes into action and transforms into her super sexy alter ego Atomic Girl.
Entering the lair where the diabolical Spider was supposedly spotted only to find the spandex costume of Atomic Man, unaware of a dark lurking shadow she is surprised by the Green Spider. The villain uses an Atom-O-Nite crystal to weaker our s...