Mr.Pussy wrestles with his wife Joanne wanting to prove to her who exactly wears the pants in the family. Well he quickly finds out and is sadly mistaken because it is not him. She shows her worthless husband indeed he doesnt by beating and humilating his worthless ass. Squeezing his Cock and Balls, Wrestling, Scissoring, and Face Smothering him in her silky smooth pantyhose and then finishing Mr. Pussy off with a deep throat blow job and head scissor submission leaving him face down butt naked on the matt. Mr. Macho is Mr.Pussy in that family.
Mr.Pussy wrestles with his wife Joanne wanting to prove to her who exactly wears the pants in the family. Well he quickly finds out and is sadly mistaken because it is not him. She shows her worthless husband indeed he doesnt by beating and humilating his worthless ass. Squeezing his Cock and Balls, Wrestling, Scissoring, and Face Smothering him in her silky smooth pantyhose and then finishing Mr. Pussy off with a deep throat blow job and head scissor submission leaving him face down butt naked on the matt. Mr. Macho is Mr.Pussy in that family.