A new villain has begun a crime streak in Spandcity, the fiendish Red Menace has stolen a power crystal vibrating orb that he will use to bring down the almighty Emerald Girl. She is called into action tracking down a clue left behind that leads her to the sinister's dungeon. Lurking in the Menace embraces her in a surprise attack and the two become entangle in a power struggle. Wrestling to the ground Emerald Girl fends off her evil attacker with her powerful sex body, quickly subduing the her attacker and is about to take the crystal when the Red Menace unleashes a toxic paralyzing gas on th...
A new villain has begun a crime streak in Spandcity, the fiendish Red Menace has stolen a power crystal vibrating orb that he will use to bring down the almighty Emerald Girl. She is called into action tracking down a clue left behind that leads her to the sinister's dungeon. Lurking in the Menace embraces her in a surprise attack and the two become entangle in a power struggle. Wrestling to the ground Emerald Girl fends off her evil attacker with her powerful sex body, quickly subduing the her attacker and is about to take the crystal when the Red Menace unleashes a toxic paralyzing gas on th...