A strange crime wave has hit Spandcity and now it's up to Red Lightning to stop the evil Pastewoman from destroying the city.
The villaness Pastegirl has been terrorizing Spandcity..The Police are clueless..Now it's up to the Red Lightning to stop the Spandexclad villan. In her hideout at the Old Glue Factory, Red Lightning confronts Pastegirl and falls victim to her sticky foam glue trap, worked over and finally is coated in a green stimulating goo before he is unmasked and defeated!
A strange crime wave has hit Spandcity and now it's up to Red Lightning to stop the evil Pastewoman from destroying the city.
The villaness Pastegirl has been terrorizing Spandcity..The Police are clueless..Now it's up to the Red Lightning to stop the Spandexclad villan. In her hideout at the Old Glue Factory, Red Lightning confronts Pastegirl and falls victim to her sticky foam glue trap, worked over and finally is coated in a green stimulating goo before he is unmasked and defeated!