Lilly decides to get comfortable while smoking her Cohiba, Round Extra Large Cigar. She puffs and sucks big bellows of smoke, watch her as the smoke escapes from her sensual puffy red lips. As the excitement builds for her the more she sucks and blows she is becomes mentally climatic, she wriggles around in her easy chair, exposing her stocking feet and her pantyhose clad ass. She rubs the soft moist cotton panel between her legs while sucking in huge puffs of spicy smoke from her favorite ciga. Maybe shes thinking that she's sucking your cock?
Lilly decides to get comfortable while smoking her Cohiba, Round Extra Large Cigar. She puffs and sucks big bellows of smoke, watch her as the smoke escapes from her sensual puffy red lips. As the excitement builds for her the more she sucks and blows she is becomes mentally climatic, she wriggles around in her easy chair, exposing her stocking feet and her pantyhose clad ass. She rubs the soft moist cotton panel between her legs while sucking in huge puffs of spicy smoke from her favorite ciga. Maybe shes thinking that she's sucking your cock?