The story of a man reckoning to be so strong that NEVER a woman's weight on his shoulder could bring him down. So on a fine day, in festive mood, he is even challenging FOUR tough woman to mount his shoulders in sequence and trying their best. And the woman who succeeds in collapsing him in one minute on his shoulders will be the champion of all. It's starting easy, he's just laughing about first women's efforts to beat him by jumping and struggling. The real challenge starts with 3rd women, a real big one, driving him very hard to his limit, but he tries to conceal his condition from the girl...
The story of a man reckoning to be so strong that NEVER a woman's weight on his shoulder could bring him down. So on a fine day, in festive mood, he is even challenging FOUR tough woman to mount his shoulders in sequence and trying their best. And the woman who succeeds in collapsing him in one minute on his shoulders will be the champion of all. It's starting easy, he's just laughing about first women's efforts to beat him by jumping and struggling. The real challenge starts with 3rd women, a real big one, driving him very hard to his limit, but he tries to conceal his condition from the girl...