This is a special video for the fans of a struggly lift and carry. Tina (53kg) carries a 78kg-guy. I asked her, Tina, how many squats can you do with a 25kg heavier guy on your back? You think, you can do 8 deep squats down to the ground with standing up again? ... OK, Tina, show us, what you can do! Many girls overestimate themselves with these deep squats to the ground, but Tina is very close to be successful and with a little bit constructive behaviour of the liftee she really does these 8 deep squats and can stand up from the ground again. Of course you should consider, that Tina is a spor...
This is a special video for the fans of a struggly lift and carry. Tina (53kg) carries a 78kg-guy. I asked her, Tina, how many squats can you do with a 25kg heavier guy on your back? You think, you can do 8 deep squats down to the ground with standing up again? ... OK, Tina, show us, what you can do! Many girls overestimate themselves with these deep squats to the ground, but Tina is very close to be successful and with a little bit constructive behaviour of the liftee she really does these 8 deep squats and can stand up from the ground again. Of course you should consider, that Tina is a spor...