Maria can't help but smile as she feels another strong kick from her belly, deep in her massive pregnant belly. She is now in her 26th week of pregnancy, and the movements are becoming more and more frequent. It seems like her little one is eager to meet the world, constantly shifting and moving inside her.
She sighs contentedly as she sits down, her belly so full and tight that it is starting to become uncomfortable. But she can't deny the excitement she feels with every little kick and punch. It's as if her bel...
Starring Maria Jade
UHD (1920 x 1080) WMV
Maria can't help but smile as she feels another strong kick from her belly, deep in her massive pregnant belly. She is now in her 26th week of pregnancy, and the movements are becoming more and more frequent. It seems like her little one is eager to meet the world, constantly shifting and moving inside her.
She sighs contentedly as she sits down, her belly so full and tight that it is starting to become uncomfortable. But she can't deny the excitement she feels with every little kick and punch. It's as if her belly is sending her little messages, reminding her that it is there and growing stronger every day. And as she gently rubs her belly, she notices something interesting. The movements seem to be coming from all over her belly, not just in one spot. It's as if her baby is doing somersaults, trying to find the perfect position to make its entrance into the world. And sometimes, the kicks are so strong that they even reach her ribs, causing her to gasp in surprise.
But for now, she is content to simply enjoy the feeling of her baby's movements. She reaches for a pencil, curious to see if she can balance it on her belly. To her surprise, the pencil stays perfectly still, even as she gently shakes her lower belly. Fascinated, she has always known that her belly is large and round, but she has never thought of it as being stable enough to balance a pencil. She carefully places the pencil on the top of her left belly, holding her breath as she waits to see what will happen.
With the pencil remaining perfectly still, Maria can't believe it. She has always thought of her belly as being soft and squishy, but now she is starting to see it in a whole new light. It is firm and well-balanced, like a little table. She carefully places the pencil in the center of her belly, taking a deep breath as she tries to find her own balance. She can feel her belly tightening and contracting, as if her belly is trying to tell her something. And then, suddenly, the pencil begins to tilt to the right.
Maria gasps as she realizes what is happening - her belly is moving again, causing her belly to shift and sway. She can feel the little one kicking and punching as if it is trying to knock the pencil off balance. And a s Maria's belly swells to an almost unbearable size, her belly's relentless kicks remind her that the countdown to labor is ticking away.
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